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Sunday 16 February 2025  

Edward Phelan Lecture

Edward Phelan Lecture 2015 Cover PageBorn in Ireland, Edward Phelan had a distinguished career at the International Labour Organisation. He was official advocate of the ILO Project at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, became its fourth Director in 1941 and Director General under its new constitution in 1946. He was the innovator of the ILO “tripartite’ formula which forms the basis of representation at International Labour Conferences. Each country’s delegation includes not only Government delegates, but also representatives of workers’ and employers’ organisations.





Women at Work: the Role of the ILO

Edward Phelan Lecture 2017 Cover Pageby Professor Mary E Daly

The third lecture in the series which was given by Professor Mary Daly: “Women at Work: the Role of the ILO". The lecture took place in the College Hall, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, on 16 February 2017. Responses were given by Guy Ryder, Director-General of the ILO; Pat Breen TD, Minister for Employment and Small Business; Patricia King, General Secretary, ICTU, and Maeve McElwee, Director of Employer Relations, IBEC.

Available free of charge from NUI. Contact publications@nui.ie for a copy

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Edward Phelan Lecture 2015 The Future of Work

Edward Phelan Lecture 2015 Cover Pageby his Excellency Michael D. Higgins President of Ireland

This is the second lecture in the series which was established in 2013. "The Future of Work" given by his Excellency Michael D. Higgins President of Ireland took place in the College Hall, Royal college of Surgeons in Ireland, on 26 February 2015. The response was given by Guy Ryder, Director-General of the ILO.

Available free of charge from NUI. Contact publications@nui.ie for a copy

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Inaugural Edward Phelan Lecture 2013 Lessons from the Irish Internationalist who organised Social Justice

by Guy Ryder Director-General of the ILO

Inaugural E Phelan Lecture 2013 CoverThe National University of Ireland and the International Labour Organization have collaborated in organizing the inaugural Edward Phelan Lecture.

It was given by Mr Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labour Organization on Thursday 14 February 2013 in the College Hall, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

There were responses from Mr Séan Sherlock TD, Minister of State with responsibility for Research and Innovation, Mr David Begg, Irish Congress of Trade Unions and Mr Brendan McGinty, Irish Business and Employers Confederation.


Price €10.00 (including postage and packing)

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