NUI Grant Scheme for Early Career Academics
Fulbright-NUI Scholar Award
Government of Ireland - NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Rural Development
NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Humanities & Social Science
NUI Dr Garret FitzGerald Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Higher Education Studies
NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Sciences and Engineering
NUI Dr Éamon De Valera Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Mathematical Sciences
Comhaltacht Iardhochtúireachta OÉ sa Léann Éireannach agus Ceilteach /
NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Irish and Celtic Studies
NUI Grant Scheme for Early Career Academics
NUI is delighted to offer the NUI Grant Scheme for Early Career Academics in 2024. This Scheme offers Grants to scholars based in NUI member institutions, to support the organisation of an international conference or symposium. The Grants will range from €2,000 to €5,000.
The proposed conference/symposium can be an in-person or virtual event, and must take place before the end of 2024. Candidates do not need to hold an NUI degree to be eligible to apply, but must have a current affiliation with a member institution of the NUI federation.
The Regulations and Application Form will be available shortly.
The competition will close for applications in September 2024.
Find out more about some recent recipients of NUI Grants for Early Career Academics on our NUI Awards Alumni page.
Fulbright-NUI Scholar Award
The Fulbright Irish Scholar Awards 2025-2026 will open for applications in August 2024.
For more information, view the information sheet below, or visit the Fulbright Ireland website.
In 2023, NUI and the Fulbright Commission awarded two Fulbright-NUI Scholar Awards.
Dr Natalie McEvoy will research nurse-led critical care within the Research Institute at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia -
Dr James Britton will conduct innovative epilepsy research at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, California
NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Humanities & Social Sciences

The NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowships’ main purpose is to encourage and support doctoral graduates of proven academic excellence to advance their scholarly research. It is expected that the research undertaken will result in a substantial contribution to knowledge, worthy of publication, and contribute to the learning culture in the constituent institutions.
In 2025, the value of the Fellowship is approx. €44,496 per annum (aligned to point 2 of IUA post-doctoral researcher 1 scale 2024-2026) plus a grant of €5,000 for eligible research-related expenditure over two years.
Applications must be submitted to NUI Awards ( by 28 March 2025.
Find out more about some recent recipients of NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowships in the Humanities on our NUI Awards Alumni page.

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Government of Ireland - NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Rural Development
Dr Lucas Olmedo
In 2022, NUI was delighted to work with the Department of Rural and Community Development to offer the Government of Ireland-NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Rural Development. This two-year Fellowship supports post-doctoral research in rural development, specifically research which supports the objectives of the Nationwide Rural Development Policy 2021-2025, Our Rural Future.
Dr Lucas Olmedo, a graduate of UCC, was awarded the Fellowship and will conduct research entitled ‘Mapping Social Enterprises and their Impact on Sustainable Rural Development in Ireland’ in the School of Business and Law in UCC.
NUI Dr Garret FitzGerald Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Higher Education Studies
Dr Niamh O’Mahoney, recipient of the NUI Dr Garret FitzGerald Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Higher Education Studies
In 2022, the NUI Dr Garret FitzGerald Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Higher Education Studies was offered to NUI graduates.
This Fellowship was established to honour the memory of the late Chancellor of the National University of Ireland. The objective of the Fellowship is, on the basis of original and independent research, to expand knowledge in the field of Higher Education Studies, and provide constructive and meaningful contributions to issues of contemporary societal significance. The published research is expected to initiate and/or contribute to regional or national debate.
In 2022, the NUI Dr Garret FitzGerald Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Higher Education Studies was awarded to Dr Niamh O’Mahoney, a graduate of University College Cork. Niamh will use the Fellowship to conduct research in UCC on the learning experience of neurodiverse students in tertiary STEM education.
Find out more about some recent recipients of NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowships on our NUI Awards Alumni page.
NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Sciences and Engineering
In 2021, one NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Sciences and Engineering was offered to NUI graduates, at a value of just over €80,000, plus Research Support Funding totalling €10,000.
Find out more about recent recipients of NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowships on our NUI Awards Alumni page.
NUI Dr NUI Dr Éamon De Valera Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Mathematical Sciences
In 2021, NUI commemorated the centenary of the election of Éamon de Valera as Chancellor of the National University of Ireland. To mark this occasion, NUI offered a special NUI Dr Éamon De Valera Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Mathematical Sciences.
Find out more about some recent recipients of NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowships on our NUI Awards Alumni page.
Comhaltacht Iardhochtúireachta OÉ sa Léann Éireannach agus Ceilteach
Cuireadh an Chomhaltacht Iardhochtúireachta seo, maoinithe ag Ciste Adam Boyd Simpson agus Eleanor Boyd, ar fáil do chomórtas i measc céimithe OÉ in 2016.
Is é €80,000 an luach a bhí ar an gComhaltacht (€40,000 in aghaidh na bliana ar feadh dhá bhliain).
Is é príomhchuspóir na Comhaltachta seo ná chun spreagadh agus tacaíocht a thabhairt d’iarrthóir iardhochtúireachta ar shárchaighdeán acadúil a dtaighde scolártha a chur chun cinn i réimse an Léinn Éireannaigh agus Cheiltigh. Beifear ag súil gurb é toradh an taighde ná go gcuirfear go mór leis an eolas agus gur fiú é a fhoilsiú agus go gcuirfear leis an gcultúr foghlama sna comh-institiúidí.
NUI Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Irish / Celtic Studies
This Post-Doctoral Fellowship, funded by the Adam Boyd Simpson and the Eleanor Boyd Fund, was offered for competition amongst NUI graduates in 2016.
The value of the Fellowship was €80,000 (€40,000 a year for two years).
The main purpose of this Fellowship is to encourage and support a post-doctoral graduate of proven academic excellence to advance their scholarly research in the area of Irish / Celtic Studies. It is expected that the research undertaken will result in a substantial contribution to knowledge, worthy of publication, and contribute to the learning culture in the constituent institutions.