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Sunday 16 February 2025  

Dr Peter Deeney

Dr Peter Deeney

Dr Peter Deeney

Dr Peter Deeney is a senior post-doctoral researcher and a principal investigator in the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) of University College Cork (UCC).

He received a BSc in Maths and Maths Physics from Maynooth University, an MSc in Mathematics from the Open University, an MSc in Financial Mathematics from Dublin City University (DCU), a Diploma in Statistics from the Open University and a PhD in Finance from Dublin City University in 2017. His PhD dealt with sentiment in professional markets, notably the oil and European Carbon markets, and found that sentiment measured by market proxies and Tweets could predict the volatility and direction of price movements in the oil markets and the EU emissions market.

After his PhD he worked in ERI looking at carbon lock-in and the financial risk from decarbonisation. He then worked as a post-doctoral researcher in DCU on the Carbon Upcycle project evaluating R&D projects into carbon dioxide recycling. This was followed by leading the writing of the first FinTech micro credential in DCU Business School. He then returned to ERI and worked on the Re-Wind project examining the sustainability of recycling wind turbine blades. He continues this topic with IEA Task 45. He currently works on the X-Rotor project looking at a new design for a vertical axis wind turbine. He won Pathway funding from the Irish Research Council in 2021 for a four-year project, Wind Value, examining the value of wind farms as businesses, particularly looking at end-of-life issues and community ownership. The Wind Value project research team are from several European universities and includes a funded PhD student. So far, the project, which began in March 2022, has made presentations at the Irish Accounting and Finance Association and the Irish Wind Farmers Association conferences.

Project Supported by the NUI Grant Scheme:

Dr Deeney won funding from the NUI Grant Scheme for Early Career Academics to hold a one-day international conference on, “End-of-Life Issues for Onshore Wind Farms”, which took place on 27th May 2022 in UCC. This conference formed a bridge between work on end-of-life for wind turbine blades and the current Wind Value project looking at end-of-life business decisions. The Conference included talks from leaders in the fields of composite recycling, wind energy, circular economy and engineering. The talks and slides are publicly available on the Wind Value website here.

Dr Deeney’s website: www.peterdeeney.com , and Twitter Handle @peterdeeney

Wind Value Website: https://windvalue.ie/ , and Twitter Handle @WindValue

Irish Research Council website: https://research.ie/