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Saturday 15 February 2025  

Dr Maurice Manning concludes his time as NUI Chancellor after 15 years


Dr Maurice Manning at the NUI Awards ceremony on 28 November 2023.

Dr Maurice Manning at the NUI Awards ceremony on 28 November 2023.

Dr Maurice Manning concludes his time as NUI Chancellor after 15 years

Chancellor of the National University of Ireland Dr Maurice Manning stepped down from the role today after almost 15 years of service. The politician and academic has been at the helm of NUI since March 2009, when he was elected after Garret FitzGerald ended his tenure in the role.

“It has been an honour and a privilege to act as Chancellor of the National
University of Ireland, and with that spirit I am announcing my decision to step down.
I am very proud of the accomplishments that NUI have achieved during my tenure,
including its strategic development, most recently with the 2023-27 strategic plan ‘Deep roots,
new horizons’, the expansion of the NUI Awards portfolio with a focus on access to higher education,
the expansion of services, and the organisational commitment to education, culture and sustainability.

I look forward to NUI’s continued success in their unique and historic position in the higher
education sector. I am grateful to Dr Patrick O’Leary, registrar, and former registrar
Dr Attracta Halpin, the Senate in its various iterations in my time as Chancellor, as well as the
staff and stakeholders of NUI with whom I have been fortunate enough to work.
Their dedication to the growth and success of NUI, as well as their collegiate spirit of
collaboration and support, will see the university continue to thrive and evolve.”

Dr Maurice Manning
NUI Chancellor

Dr Manning was born in Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow and his educational journey took him through de la Salle College Bagenalstown, Rockwell College, University College Dublin and the University of Strathclyde. Prior to being elected chancellor, Dr Manning had already demonstrated great commitment to NUI, having been elected to its governing Senate on the graduate panel on several occasions prior to being elected Chancellor. His service on the Governing Authority of UCD from 1979 to 2008, coupled with a distinguished academic career in the Department of Politics at UCD, reflects his commitment to education.

Dr Maurice Manning has been an outstanding Chancellor of NUI, seamlessly balancing
the ceremonial and the more day-to-day functions of the role. He was always at ease at graduations
and made sure to ensure these occasions were special for new graduates. He made Senate of NUI
a co-operative and productive body, supporting NUI while holding it to account. Over the course of
three strategic plan cycles under his leadership, NUI has seen increased services to our member
institutions and the graduates of NUI, broadening our Awards portfolio (making over 150 awards per
annum worth over €600,000 across all areas from undergraduate to postgraduate to staff, with new
awards promoting support for underrepresented communities in higher education), and securing our
investment income to support our awards. Personally, his support and friendship while I established
myself in the role in NUI was a life lesson in how to lead.

Dr Patrick O'Leary
NUI Registrar

The National University of Ireland will elect a new Chancellor by convocation election. Convocation of the National University of Ireland comprises the graduates of the university, as well as the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, the members of Senate, and the professors and lecturers of NUI’s member institutions.

The role of NUI Chancellor has previously been held by Éamon de Valera from 1921 to 1975 (he was a fugitive for the early years of his chancellorship), Thomas Kenneth Whitaker from 1975 to 1996, and Garret Fitzgerald from 1997 to 2009. The first chancellor was William J. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin, who held the role from 1908 until his death in 1921. The role extends beyond the statutes that define it, to actively influencing NUI’s strategic priorities and supporting member institutions.

Though the National University of Ireland is part of the tapestry of Irish history, it actively cultivates a steadfast commitment to the higher education sector and its development today. Similarly, Maurice Manning represents a respect and keen interest in Ireland’s history, along with an astute forward-looking perspective. As a politician, an academic and as Chancellor, Dr Manning has greatly contributed to Irish society, and to NUI itself.


Further information from:

Cora Lenihan
National University of Ireland
49 Merrion Square
Dublin 2, D02 V583
Ph: 01 4392424
Twitter: @NUIMerrionSq








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