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Saturday 15 February 2025  

Researchers from NUI-associated institutions among top-cited in the world


Researchers from NUI-associated institutions
among top-cited in the world

The analytics company Clarivate recently published its annual list of highly cited researchers who “have demonstrated significant and broad influence reflected in their publication of multiple highly cited papers over the last decade.” These designations came from papers that ranked in the top 1% by citations in the Web of Science citation index by field in 2022.

National University of Ireland was delighted to learn that 39 of these researchers were from Irish institutions, 25 of which were from institutes associated with the National University of Ireland. Some researchers are named more than once as they are recognised in more than one field. Therefore, while there were 7,225 Highly Cited Researcher designations in 2022, there were 6,938 individuals named on the list.

National University of Ireland is a federation of research-active universities. Their excellence and innovation contributes positively to Ireland’s development and to its worldwide reputation as a leader in the field of higher education.

Please find in the table below the 25 HCR Designations from NUI-associated institutions:

  1. Cannon, Mary – Psychiatry and Psychology
    Royal College of Surgeons - Ireland, Ireland
  2. Claesson, Marcus J. – Cross-Field
    University College Cork, Ireland
  3. Clarke, Gerard – Neuroscience and Behavior
    University College Cork, Ireland
  4. Cotter, Paul D. – Cross-Field
    Teagasc, Ireland and University College Cork, Ireland
  5. Cryan, John F. – Neuroscience and Behavior
    University College Cork, Ireland
  6. Cryan, John F. – Psychiatry and Psychology
    University College Cork, Ireland
  7. Curran, Henry J. – Engineering
    University of Galway, Ireland
  8. Dawson, Kenneth A. – Cross-Field
    University College Dublin, Ireland
  9. Dinan, Timothy G. – Neuroscience and Behavior
    University College Cork, Ireland and Atlantia Food Clinical Trials, Ireland
  10. Dinan, Timothy G. – Psychiatry and Psychology
    University College Cork, Ireland and Atlantia Food Clinical Trials, Ireland
  11. Fitzgerald, Gerald F. – Cross-Field
    University College Cork, Ireland
  12. Hill, Colin – Microbiology
    University College Cork, Ireland
  13. Hyland, Philip – Psychiatry and Psychology
    Maynooth University, Ireland
  14. Lynch, Iseult – Cross-Field
    University College Dublin, Ireland
  15. O'Mahony, Liam – Immunology
    University College Cork, Ireland
  16. O'Toole, Paul W. – Microbiology
    University College Cork, Ireland
  17. Ross, Reynolds Paul – Agricultural Sciences
    University College Cork, Ireland
  18. Ross, Reynolds Paul – Microbiology
    University College Cork, Ireland
  19. Serruys, Patrick W. – Clinical Medicine
    National University of Ireland (NUI) Galway, Ireland
  20. Shanahan, Fergus – Cross-Field
    University College Cork, Ireland and Cork University Hospital, Ireland
  21. Stanton, Catherine – Microbiology
    Teagasc and APC Microbiome Ireland, University College Cork
  22. Sun, Da-Wen – Agricultural Sciences
    University College Dublin, Ireland and South China University of Technology, China Mainland
  23. Tiwari, Brijesh K. – Agricultural Sciences
    Teagasc, Ireland and University College Dublin, Ireland
  24. van Sinderen, Douwe – Cross-Field
    University College Cork, Ireland
  25. Walter, Jens – Microbiology
    University College Cork, Ireland

“Highly Cited Researchers,” Clarivate, November 15, 2022, https://clarivate.com/highly-cited-researchers/


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