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Conferring of NUI degrees in RCSI, Dublin – May and June 2019


Conferring of NUI degrees in RCSI, Dublin

May and June 2019

The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) recently held conferring ceremonies on 29 May and 4 June 2019 both at their own premises in St. Stephen’s Green and at the Convention Centre Dublin. A total of 301 students were awarded NUI bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and higher degrees across a broad range of specialisations.

Left to right: Dr Attracta Halpin (NUI Registrar), Prof. Noel Gerrard McElvaney (RCSI), Prof. Hilary Humphreys (RCSI), Dr Maurice Manning (NUI Chancellor)

Left to right: Dr Attracta Halpin (NUI Registrar), Prof. Noel Gerrard McElvaney (RCSI), Prof. Hilary Humphreys (RCSI), Dr Maurice Manning (NUI Chancellor)
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Speaking at each of the conferring ceremonies, the NUI Chancellor, Dr Maurice Manning, congratulated the graduates on their achievements. Having ‘benefited from an excellent education at a prestigious institution’, the graduates had gained ‘a degree that is widely recognised and highly regarded across the world’. Through their studies at RCSI, the Chancellor declared, the graduates had earned their place alongside ‘generations of distinguished alumni’. Dr Manning went on to praise RCSI’s international dimension and the diversity within the student body, explaining how it was ‘a source of great pride to know that RCSI graduates have made, and will continue to make, significant contributions to medicine around the world’.

Addressing the graduates in medicine, the Chancellor dwelt on the words of the solemn declaration made before receiving the degree. He explained how, in an increasingly uncertain world, it was ‘gratifying to know that graduates of RCSI will strive … to practice medicine with “conscience and dignity”, and to show “warmth, empathy, and understanding” to the many vulnerable people they will be called on to treat’.

The graduates in research degrees included 3 Doctors of Medicine and 15 Doctors of Philosophy. Dr Manning thanked them for making ‘significant contributions to medical knowledge’ through their ‘discipline, determination, and perseverance’.

"a source of great pride to know that
RCSI graduates have made, and will continue
to make, significant contributions to medicine
around the world."

Dr Maurice Manning
NUI Chancellor

The Chancellor conferred the NUI degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) on Published Work on two distinguished members of the RCSI academic staff, both NUI graduates: Hilary Humphreys, Professor of Clinical Microbiology, and Noel Gerrard McElvaney, Professor of Medicine. The DSc is the highest qualification in science awarded by NUI, signifying scholarship of international distinction over a sustained period. Prof. Humphreys is a Consultant Microbiologist at Beaumont Hospital and an expert in the field of hospital infection prevention and control, particularly concerning MRSA. Prof. McElvaney is a Consultant in Respiratory Medicine at Beaumont Hospital and an internationally esteemed specialist on lung conditions, particularly cystic fibrosis.

The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland has been a Recognised College of the National University of Ireland for over forty years and is ranked in the top 250 educational institutions worldwide in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (2019).

Further information from:
The Registrar
National University of Ireland
49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.
E-mail registrar@nui.ie
T:    353 (0)1 4392424  
Twitter: @NUIMerrionSq
Facebook: National University of Ireland


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