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Education Matters: Ireland’s Yearbook of Education 2017 - 2018


Education Matters:
Ireland’s Yearbook of Education 2017- 2018 launched at NUI

Tuesday 12th December 2017

On Tuesday 12th December 2017, Minister of State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O'Connor, TD, launched Education Matters 2017-2018the 11th edition of Education Matters, this year entitled ‘Ireland’s Yearbook of Education’ in the National University of Ireland on Merrion Square. This issue marks 30 years of Education Matters and was edited for the third time by Guidance Counsellor, columnist and broadcaster, Brian Mooney. A piece by NUI Chancellor, Dr Maurice Manning addresses the subject of philanthropic funding for universities and the Yearbook also features an article on the importance of Language Learning by NUI Registrar, Dr Attracta Halpin. NUI has been delighted to continue the sponsorship of Education Matters for the past six years It records and analyses the key developments of the year in education, at all levels. The Yearbook includes contributions from and about every sector of education from early childhood education (by Dr Thomas Walsh of Maynooth University) to the world-class universities (by Professor Andrew Deeks, President of UCD).

Speaking at the launch, NUI Chancellor Dr Maurice Manning praised Education Matters highly saying, “I know that the 2017-18 Yearbook has been in gestation since the publication of last year’s edition. The quality of the publication reflects the inspiration, enthusiasm and dedication of Brian Mooney, Phyllis Mitchell and the wider team and editorial board [...] One cannot but be impressed by the range of contributions gathered into one publication this year and the quality of those contributions.”

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Dr Attracta Halpin, NUI Registrar; Phyllis Mitchell, Founder and Publisher of Ireland's Yearbook of Education and Dr Maurice Manning, NUI Chancellor
Dr Maurice Manning, NUI Chancellor; Minister of State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O'Connor, TD; Phyllis Mitchell, Founder and Publisher of Ireland's Yearbook of Education; Brian Mooney, Editor, Education Matters;  Dr Attracta Halpin, NUI Registrar
Dr Attracta Halpin, NUI Registrar; Brian Mooney, Editor, Education Matters; Minister of State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O'Connor, TD; Prof John Coolahan, Professor Emeritus of Education, Maynooth University; Dr Maurice Manning, NUI Chancellor
Brian Mooney, Editor, Education Matters and Minister of State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O'Connor, TD.
Phyllis Mitchell, Founder and Publisher of Ireland's Yearbook of Education with editorial board members Dr Selina McCoy Education Research Coordiantor at the ESRI, and Pat O'Mahony Education Research Officer ETBI.
Professor Brian Mac Craith, President, DCU and Professor Andrew J Deeks, President, UCD
Old School Friends Cynthia Treston, German language teacher; Phyllis Mitchell, Founder and Publisher of Ireland's Yearbook of Education and Loretto O’Connell, English Language Teacher

Education Matters 2017-2018Dr Manning went on to welcome the recent launch by Minster for Education and Skills of the new Strategy for Foreign Languages, remarking that “The study of languages, for long a weak spot in Irish education and more recently overshadowed as the STEM subjects have gained prominence, has gained renewed focus in the context of Brexit and the closer ties we hope to develop with our EU partners. This is recognised particularly in the Minster for Education’s recently launched and greatly to be applauded Strategy for Foreign Languages. A dimension of the strategy that is particularly welcomed by NUI is the value placed on early exposure to bilingualism, through the study of Irish, and the benefits this provides for the study of other languages”. The Chancellor went on to say that its “broad base and inclusivity makes this publication a major asset for the entire education sector, acting almost like a think-tank every year on education policy, practice and innovation.”

Education Matters 2017-2018The Chancellor also pointed to the importance of philanthropic funding which, “is enabling Irish higher education to achieve ambitions that would not be attainable on the basis of government funding alone”. Noting the major issues still to be addressed in relation to the funding model of Irish higher education and the various options presented in the Cassells report, still under consideration, the Chancellor commented that “None of these options is easy: there is no quick fix that will provide funding commensurate with the ambitions of the sector”.


In addition to the Yearbook, www.educationmatters.ie continues to offer blog space to people interested in writing on topics of relevance to those in the education sector. The Education Matters Yearbook can now also be downloaded from the site. You will find more information on the launch on social media at #EdMattersYearbook.





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