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Saturday 15 February 2025  

NUI Honorary Conferring 2015


Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Wednesday 2 December at 4.30 p.m.
Photo Call at 4.10 p.m.

The 2015 National University of Ireland Honorary Conferring Ceremony will take place on the 2nd of December in the Examinations Hall, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
The Chancellor of the University, Dr Maurice Manning, will confer Honorary Degrees on the following;
Margaret Murnane, Distinguished Professor at the University of Colorado, DSc
Richard Ahlstrom, Science Editor of the Irish Times, DSc
Paul O’Connell, Irish Rugby Player, DArts
Sir David Goodall, Former Diplomat, LLD
Mary Daly, Historian and President of the Royal Irish Academy, DLitt
Professor Margaret Murnane, a member of the Department of Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Colorado, and a graduate of University College Cork, will be conferred with the honorary Degree of Doctor of Science.  NUI is delighted to honour Professor Murnane for her distinction in the sciences and in particular, her pioneering work in the field of ultrafast laser and x-ray sciences. .  
Dick Ahlstrom will also be conferred with the honorary Degree of Doctor of Science for his personal distinction in science journalism and contribution to the public understanding of science. As the Science Editor of The Irish Times, he presents the activities of the scientific research community in Ireland to the Irish public in an entertaining, creative, intelligent and informed manner and communicates complex scientific research in a form that can be clearly understood by a wide newspaper audience.
 Irish rugby legend Paul O’Connell will be conferred with the honorary Degree of Doctor of Arts. NUI is pleased to honour Mr O’Connell for his contribution to Irish life through his outstanding achievements in sport at a local, provincial, national, and international level. 
In 2015, the thirtieth anniversary of the Anglo-Irish Agreement, NUI will acknowledge with the conferring of the honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws Sir David Goodall's contribution to Anglo-Irish Relations and in particular to the negotiation of the Hillsborough Agreement.  
NUI is delighted to honour Professor Mary Daly with the conferring of an honorary Degree of Doctor of Literature. Through this degree, NUI will recognise Professor Daly’s distinction as a leading Irish historian and also her contribution to Irish public life. In 2014, Professor Daly was elected President of the Royal Irish Academy, the first female president in its 229-year history. Her distinguished career has made her one of Ireland’s most prominent historians. She is emeritus professor of history at UCD and currently a member of the government’s Expert Advisory Group on Commemorations.



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