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22 October 2024  

Taoiseach Makes Presentation to NUI

13.07.2009signing of agreement

The Taoiseach Mr Brian Cowen TD graciously presented the Chancellor Dr Maurice Manning with a copy of A photographical retrospective of Edward J. Phelan Fourth Director of the ILO (1941 – 1948) on Thursday 13 July 2009, in Government Buildings.

The book was prepared by the Historical Archives of the International Labour Organisation on the occasion of the official Launch of Edward Phelan and the ILO The Life and Views of an International Social Actor.

Edward J Phelan and his wife Fernande were generous benefactors of  NUI.  Their bequest provided funding for development of the NUI premises at 49 Merrion Square and the Senate E J Phelan and his wife Fernande of the University now meets in the Phelan Room. The Phelan bequest has also enabled the establishment of the NUI Edward J Phelan Postgraduate Fellowship in International Law (€51,000), awarded in alternate years.






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