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Saturday 15 February 2025  

Graduate Prizes


Mansion House Fund Prizes
Duaiseanna OÉ sa Ghaeilge
NUI Prize in Education
NUI Art and Design Prize
Pierce Malone Prizes in Philosophy
French Government Medals and NUI Prizes for Proficiency in French
NUI Club London Scholarship

The Mansion House Fund Prizes

The Mansion House Fund Prizes promote ‘the study of Irish Language, Literature and History’, by awarding Prizes (€500) in the subjects of Irish and Irish History.

These Prizes are based on the final results of the examinations held in Irish and Irish History in the four NUI constituent universities:

  1. Irish (Modern, Early, Medieval and Classical, or any combination of these) for the BA (Hons) Degree and also, where applicable, for other degrees where Irish is a final year subject, such as the BCL European and BComm International/European.
  2. Irish History for the BA (Hons) Degree.
  3. Final year students of Irish or Irish History in each of the constituent universities will be eligible for nomination for these Prizes .


Duaiseanna OÉ sa Ghaeilge

Two Duaiseanna Ollscoil na hÉireann do chéimeanna Máistreachta sa Ghaeilge (formerly known as the Duaiseanna an Dr T K Whitaker sa Ghaeilge) will be awarded in 2024 through a competitive process. Each NUI constituent university can nominate up to two students undertaking an MA through Irish to participate in the competition. The recommendations for the Prizes will be made by a selection panel appointed by NUI.

NUI Prize in Education

The NUI Prize in Education is offered to the students achieving the highest marks from the programmes leading to the Degree of Professional Masters of Education or an Máistir Gairmiúil san Oideachas in UCD, UCC, University of Galway, Maynooth University and NCAD. Each Prize is valued at €500.

NUI Art and Design Prize

This Prize is offered to graduates who have distinguished themselves in one of the Art and Design disciplines in NCAD and, since 2023, Burren College of Art.

In 2023, Catherine McDonald received the first NUI Art and Design Prize awarded to a graduate of Burren College of Art.

From NCAD, Ajao Babatunde Lawal was awarded the NUI Art and Design Prize for his work Picnic in the Twilight (Besotho Queens). NUI purchased this artwork through the Prize, and it can now be found as part of the permanent collection in the offices at 49 Merrion Square in Dublin.

Please click here to visit the gallery of all NUI Art and Design Prize works purchased since 2004

Ajao Babatunde Lawal, Picnic in the Twilight (Besotho Queens)

Ajao Babatunde Lawal, NUI Art and Design Prize 2023: ‘Picnic in the Twilight (Besotho Queens)’
Click to enlarge image.

Pierce Malone Prizes in Philosophy

The Pierce Malone Prize in Philosophy was established with a bequest from Pierce Malone and is awarded annually.

Four Prizes, each worth €500, are awarded to the top students from the final year of the BA (Hons) in Philosophy in the four NUI constituent universities.


French Government Medals and NUI Prizes for Proficiency in French

French Government Medal

French Government Medal

In 1926, the French Government presented a Medal to the University to be awarded for proficiency in French, in connection with the BA (Hons) Degree Examination, on the recommendation of the Extern Examiner. The Medal was offered annually until 1956, when the French Government increased the number of Medals to three, for competition amongst students of the then constituent colleges. In 1962, a fourth Medal was added for the then Recognised College, St. Patrick’s College Maynooth. These Medals are now awarded annually in each of the four NUI constituent universities.

The awarding of the four Medals continues to be based on the results of the final examinations in French for the BA (Hons) Degree and also, where applicable, the BComm International/European and BCL International Degrees, in the constituent universities. The recommendation regarding the award of the Medals is made by the Extern Examiner in French in each of the constituent universities.

In addition to the Medal, NUI awards a cash prize of €250 to each of the recipients.

The French Government Medals and NUI Prizes for Proficiency in French may not be awarded to any student whose native language is French.


NUI Club London Scholarship

This Scholarship (€2,000) was introduced for the first time in 2005. It was established as a Memorial Scholarship, funded by a bequest from the NUI Club London following its dissolution in 2003. The Scholarship is offered for competition in a different subject every year.

The Scholarship is awarded each year to the top student on a Bachelor’s degree programme that is unique within the NUI federal system of constituent universities, recognised colleges, and linked colleges.

Previous subject areas awarded:

  1. Journalism - University of Galway
  2. Public Management - Institute of Public Administration
  3. Visual Culture - NCAD
  4. Digital Humanities and Information Technology - UCC
  5. International Hotel Management - Shannon College of Hotel Management
  6. Music Technology - Maynooth University
  7. Veterinary Nursing - UCD
  8. Food Science - UCC
  9. Marine Science – NUI Galway
  10. Product Design (Marketing & Innovation) – Maynooth University
  11. Film Studies - NUI Galway
  12. Information and Library Studies - UCD
  13. Media Studies - Maynooth University
  14. Early Childhood Studies - UCC
  15. Agriculture - UCD
  16. Architecture - UCD
  17. Veterinary Medicine - UCD
  18. Dentistry - UCC